calendar>>June 11. 2016 Juche 105
Pyongyang Introduced by Peruvian Newspaper
Pyongyang, June 11 (KCNA) -- The Peruvian Callao Daily on June 1 allotted one whole page to an article titled "Looks of Pyongyang, modern City".

It said:

The capital city of the DPRK can be described as the one not known well to the world owing to the negative reports released by Western media.

However, Pyongyang is a new city which is modern and in good order and has a lot of monumental structures.

Its avenues are clean and decorated with flowers and cars running under the traffic control by beautiful girls are adding beauty to its landscape.

There is a big river in the middle of the city and the Sci-Tech Complex was successfully built on the islet in the middle of the river.

Several bridges help the citizens travel to the city center and districts on its outskirts with thickly wooded hills.

The newspaper carried photos of President Kim Il Sung's birthplace in Mangyongdae, the Arch of Triumph, the Victorious Fatherland Liberation War Museum, the Mangyongdae Schoolchildren's Palace and Pyongyang Koryo Hotel with explanations.

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