calendar>>June 11. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Denounces S. Korean Authorities' "Diplomacy for Pressurizing North"
Pyongyang, June 11 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet authorities have gone to extremes in their "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" in a bid to stifle the DPRK in collusion with outside forces, while vociferating about "its nukes."

Rodong Sinmun Saturday observes in a commentator's article in this regard:

This is an unpardonable challenge and provocation against the good faith of the DPRK to defuse the tension on the Korean peninsula and improve the north-south relations through dialogue and negotiations.

The south Korean authorities' above-said diplomacy is nothing but a ridiculous behavior of fools going against the trend of the times, failing to judge the invincible might of the DPRK, and a desperate act to escape a final destruction of those who sustain repeated setbacks in the confrontation with it, without knowing where they stand, obsessed with daydream of forcing "the north to dismantle its nukes."

The DPRK's access to nuclear weapons has nothing to do with the issue of the inter-Korean relations.

If the south Korean authorities persist in the anti-DPRK racket of "sanctions" in collusion with outside forces while driving the north-south relations to catastrophe under the pretence of "nuclear issue," the DPRK will force them to pay dearly for it.

Their acts of blatantly challenging to the DPRK's sincere efforts for dialogue and improvement of the north-south relations and escalating the confrontation with the DPRK through the above-said diplomacy will entail disastrous consequences.

The Park Geun Hye group would be well advised to stop the foolish and mean "diplomacy for pressurizing the north," though belatedly, properly understanding that with neither "sanctions" nor "pressure" can they deter the service personnel and people of the DPRK from dynamically advancing along the road of independence, Songun and socialism.

The south Korean authorities' diplomacy will bring disgrace and destruction only.

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