calendar>>June 13. 2016 Juche 105
Chief of Pyongyang Mission of AINDF Supports New Line and Policies for National Reunification
Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- Jo Il Min, chief of the Pyongyang mission of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF), was interviewed by KCNA on Monday on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the June 15 joint declaration.

The chief said June 15 is a meaningful day which gave a bright prospect for reunification to the Korean nation.

The people in the south are recollecting with profound yearning the revolutionary career of leader Kim Jong Il, who provided a firm foundation for independent reunification, peace and prosperity, on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the June 15 joint declaration, the chief noted, and went on:

The whole life of Chairman of the National Defence Commission Kim Jong Il is characterized by the history of dedication as a peerless patriot who laid an eternal foundation for national reunification.

The exploits he performed by wisely leading the reunification movement with his outstanding idea and extraordinary leadership will shine forever together with the eternal history of the nation.

The respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is steering the reunification movement.

He, who takes to heart more than anyone else the suffering and misfortune all Koreans are undergoing due to the national division, clarified a new line and policies for national reunification to weather difficulties and indicated overall ways for implementing them at the podium of the historic 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

This is the great and courageous decision that can be made only by the lodestar of reunification and the great sage of the nation who takes care of all the fellow countrymen.

Every Korean should wholeheartedly remain true to the line and policies for national reunification laid down by the peerlessly great man out of ardent patriotism.

The vanguard fighters of the AINDF will devotedly work to build a prosperous reunified power in Korea without fail full of conviction and optimism about sure victory under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

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