calendar>>June 14. 2016 Juche 105
EPN Applied to Disinsection in DPRK
Pyongyang, June 14 (KCNA) -- The Plant Protective Institute of the Academy of Agricultural Science in the DPRK succeeded in applying entomo-pathogenic nematode (EPN) to disinsection.

EPN gives no adverse effect on environment and has high ability of disinsection.

It costs lower than chemical pesticide.

The institute analyzed some 1,600 soil samples in the areas of North and South Hwanghae and North Phyongan provinces, in order to confirm the species of EPN.

Then, it intensified research into applying EPN into farming by mass-producing it through semisolid culture.

The institute put the EPN production on an industrial basis while building its production bases in different parts of the country.

The application of EPN into farming can increase crop yield up to 10 percent.

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