calendar>>June 16. 2016 Juche 105
Japanese Institute Denounces S. Korean Authorities' Abduction of DPRK Citizens
Pyongyang, June 16 (KCNA) -- The Ehime Institute for Contemporary Korean Issue in Japan on June 7 sent the south Korean embassy in Tokyo a letter protesting against the south Korean puppet forces' allurement and abduction of a group of the DPRK citizens.

The letter of protest revealed that the south Korean puppet group is making desperate efforts to disguise the abduction of the DPRK women citizens as "their voluntary defection from the north" after committing a premeditated terrorism against the DPRK citizens for a vicious purpose.

The DPRK women citizens are staging a struggle for their repatriation to their country, the letter noted.

The letter urged the south Korean authorities to accept the request of the parents of the abductees to meet their daughters.

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