calendar>>June 17. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Self-Defensive Stand Supported by Swiss Organizations
Pyongyang, June 17 (KCNA) -- The Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea issued a joint statement on June 11 in support of the DPRK's principled stand on its self-defensive nuclear deterrent.

The statement referred to the fact that shortly ago, the defense chiefs of the U.S., Japan and south Korea held a confab in Singapore at which they cried out for "thoroughly enforcing the sanctions against the north" and boosting "cooperation", while finding fault with the DPRK's fourth nuclear test and launch of satellite.

It went on:

Their reckless remarks are shameless and contemptuous provocation against the DPRK as the latter's nuclear weapons and missiles are those for only defending its sovereignty.

Today the U.S. is the only country violating international law.

The U.S. is the sole nuclear criminal state and the biggest nuclear weapons state.

It conducted the greatest number of nuclear tests in the world.

It should feel shame at its crimes and keep mum about the DPRK's self-defensive measures, not describing them as "threat".

Japan is a militarist state which is talking about going nuclear, after throwing away Pacifist Constitution which had remained in name only.

The south Korean authorities are recently talking about their "access to nuclear weapons to cope with the north's nukes", not content with escalating confrontation with the DPRK.

The minister of the People's Armed Forces of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK said in his statement that the DPRK's self-defensive nuclear deterrent is the all-mighty treasured sword held fast to by it to cope with the hostile forces' moves for aggression upon it, warning of the miserable consequences to be entailed by the hostile policy toward it being pursued by the U.S. and its followers.

This warning is by no means an empty talk.

The U.S. should pay heed to it.

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