calendar>>June 17. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Gangsters' Unethical Crime Accused in Bangladesh
Pyongyang, June 17 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held under the co-sponsorship of the progressive political parties and organizations in Bangladesh on June 12.

Present at the meeting were figures of the Revolutionary Workers' Party of Bangladesh, Democratic Revolutionary Party of Bangladesh, United Communist League of Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Group for the Study of the Songun Policy and masses.

The meeting informed the DPRK's principled stand as regards the fact that the south Korean puppet gangsters are viciously seeking the anti-DPRK plots while resorting to the allurement and abduction of the citizens of the DPRK.

Speakers demanded an immediate repatriation of the DPRK's citizens and punishment of the criminals, strongly denouncing the unethical crimes of the south Korean puppet group which leaves no means untried to do harm to the DPRK.

A joint statement was adopted at the meeting.

It said:

Though the fact that the DPRK's citizens were allured and abducted in group was clearly disclosed, the south Korean authorities are persistently declining even the just demand of the families of the victims.

The south Korean authorities are keeping the abductees strictly away from any contact with outside and making desperate efforts to create impression that they "defected from the north at their free will".

The progressive people of Bangladesh strongly urge the south Korean authorities to immediately stop all sorts of plots and hostile acts against the DPRK and send its citizens back home without delay and punish the criminals.

We extend full support to the DPRK in its efforts for firmly defending its sovereignty and protecting rights of its citizens.

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