calendar>>June 17. 2016 Juche 105
Officials, Members of Women's Union Meet
Pyongyang, June 17 (KCNA) -- There took place a meeting of officials and members of the women's union at the People's Palace of Culture on Friday to mark the 52nd anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Present at the meeting were Kim Jong Sun, chairwoman of the Central Committee of the women's union, and its officials and members in Pyongyang.

Kim Tong Suk who is widow of Sim Chang Wan, former director of Political Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, said that her husband became a genuine comrade of the party sharing destiny with it and a revolutionary soldier who creditably carried out the idea and intention of the party without an inch of deflection under the particular love and trust shown by Kim Jong Il.

Ri Son Mi who is daughter of Ri Won Gyong, winner of the Kim Il Sung Prize, academician, professor and doctor who was former researcher of Kim Il Sung University, said that Kim Jong Il highly appreciated her father who suffered inmost troubles, calling him an official who sincerely worked long to repay the benevolence of the party, and had a picture taken with him and bestowed on him great loving care to be conveyed down through generations.

Yu Ae Sun, chairwoman of the primary committee of Ryukgyo-dong No.2 in Phyongchon District of the women's union, recalled that Kim Jong Il watched her poor violin performance to bring her artistic talents into full bloom.

The speakers pledged to fulfill their responsibilities and duties as Korean women in the 200-day campaign of loyalty for implementing the decision made at the 7th Congress of the WPK.

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