calendar>>June 18. 2016 Juche 105
Great Feats for Carrying forward Revolutionary Traditions
Pyongyang, June 18 (KCNA) -- 52 years has passed since leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on June 19, 1964.

Kim Jong Il pioneered the road of study tour of the revolutionary battle sites in the area of Mt. Paektu in his early teens.

In the whole period of leading the WPK, he had performed energetic ideological and theoretical activities for safeguarding and glorifying the revolutionary traditions President Kim Il Sung achieved during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle.

Kim Jong Il's famous works on carrying forward the revolutionary tradition of Paektu have been greatly admired by the Korean people.

In the latter half of the 1960s, he wrote such famous works as "Let Us Develop Ryanggang Province into a Firm Base for Education in Revolutionary Traditions" and "On Further Strengthening Education in Revolutionary Traditions among Young People and Children".

The works indicated the tasks to develop the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites into bases for education in revolutionary traditions and bring up the coming generations as reliable successors to the Korean revolution and ways to do so.

In 1970s and 1980s, he also authored famous works in which he set forth the policies of restoring the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites and building grand monuments.

In the early 1990s when the Korean revolution had to go through difficulties, he made pubic the work "Let Us Develop the Revolutionary Traditions of Juche down through Generations", which calls for intensifying education in revolutionary traditions in order to prepare all party members and working people to be those intensely loyal to the party and the leader and thus push forward the revolutionary cause of Juche.

His work "On Intensifying Education in the Revolutionary Traditions through the Revolutionary Battle Sites and Historic Sites" underscores the need to preserve and manage the revolutionary battle sites and revolutionary sites in their original state and steadily improve the contents, methods and forms of education through study tour.

Ryu Hyon Chol, a student at Kim Il Sung University, told KCNA that leader Kim Jong Il's works serve as ideological food for the coming generations and make them renew their will to safeguard and further glorify the revolutionary traditions of Paektu.

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