calendar>>June 18. 2016 Juche 105
National Meeting Marks 52nd Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's Start of Work at C.C., WPK
Pyongyang, June 18 (KCNA) -- A national meeting was held in Pyongyang Saturday to mark the 52nd anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju and other leading officials of the party, the state and the army, the chairperson of a friendly party, officials of the party, armed forces and power bodies, social organizations, ministries and national institutions, service personnel of the Korean People's Army and the Korean People's Internal Security Forces, officials and labor innovators of institutions and industrial establishments here.

Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a report.

Kim Jong Il's start of work at the WPK Central Committee more than fifty years ago was a national event which marked the new milestone in the development of the destiny of the country and the nation, the reporter said, and went on:

The whole course in which Kim Jong Il led the WPK is shining with the immortal feats he performed for building the WPK into the party of the leader and revolutionary party of Juche with his original party building idea and theory and outstanding leadership.

He creditably realized the historic cause for developing the WPK into an ideologically pure entity and an integral organization loyal to the idea and guidance of the leader, and the party with rosy prospect that carries forward the idea and guidance of the leader generation after generation.

He turned the WPK into the veteran and tested general staff of the revolution which leads the revolution and construction to victory by the Juche-oriented leadership method.

He led the revolution and construction, regarding it as the iron rule in party building and activities to solve all problems by firmly believing in and relying on the people, the driving force of revolution.

In the protracted course of leading the WPK he brought up the Korean people to be the dignified independent people, powerful driving force of revolution.

Considering it as the most important task of the party work to awaken the masses to consciousness and organize them and rally them close around the party and the leader, he always made sure that primary efforts was paid to it.

Under the banner of Songun he consolidated national defence capabilities as firm as a rock with the People's Army as the core force and provided a powerful military foundation for reliably defending the dignity and sovereignty of the country and the gains of the revolution.

He firmly ensured the party's leadership over the socialist construction and gave fuller play to the advantages of Korean-style socialism in which the people's independent demand and ideal are translated into a reality.

The glorious history covered by the WPK under his leadership and undying exploits and rich experience gained in this course will shine forever as the encyclopedic textbook of building the revolutionary party in our era and a valuable asset guaranteeing the victorious advance of the revolution and the victory of the popular masses' cause of independence.

The feats he performed in the Juche-oriented party building are being successfully carried forward and developed by supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

The WPK making the all-out drive for final victory toward the new landmark in accomplishing the cause of the Juche revolution set forth at its 7th Congress under the uplifted banner of the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is sure to win victory and glory under the outstanding and tested leadership of Kim Jong Un in the future, too.

Provincial, city and county meetings were held on the same day.

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