calendar>>June 19. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Indian Newspaper
Pyongyang, June 19 (KCNA) -- The Indian newspaper Public News on June 11 dedicated an article to the 52nd anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

Praising Kim Jong Il as a great master of independent politics to be specially recorded in the history of world politics, the article said:

Leader Kim Jong Il's political philosophy is the Juche idea being recognized by the international community as a great guiding idea of the cause of human independence.

At the end of the last century when socialist countries collapsed one after another in East Europe, the DPRK remained unfazed, thanks to his transparent independent line.

His Songun politics is the most important one in his exploits.

Thanks to the Songun politics pursued by him, the military muscle of the DPRK was remarkably bolstered up and the sovereignty and socialism of the DPRK were creditably defended.

He also paid deep attention to building an independent new world after putting forward it as the main idea of his external activities to preserve independence, peace and friendship.

He conducted energetic foreign activities to strengthen the anti-imperialist independent forces.

He maintained his independent stand in carrying out the cause of national reunification and wisely steered the efforts to accomplish the reunification by the Korean nation itself. Thanks to him, the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 declaration were provided to open up a bright future for Korea's reunification.

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