calendar>>June 19. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of June 15 Joint Declaration Marked by Japanese Regional Committee
Pyongyang, June 19 (KCNA) -- The Japanese Regional Committee of the Overseas Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration held a meeting in Tokyo on the occasion of the 16th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 joint declaration.

Present there were Son Hyong Gun, chairman of the Japanese Regional Committee, Sin Phil Yong, chairman of the U.S. Regional Committee of the Overseas Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration, Han Chung Mok, co-representative of the South Side Committee for Implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration, So Chung On, director of the department for international and reunification affairs of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), Song Se Il, vice-chairman of the Democratic United Confederation of Koreans in Japan, members of the Japanese Regional Committee, officials of Chongryon and its organizations and enterprises and Koreans in Japan.

The speakers referred to the fact that the June 15 event common to the nation failed to take place owing to the moves of the Park Geun Hye regime, expressing surging indignation at the south Korean authorities who totally denied the north-south joint declarations.

They went on:

Owing to the wrong "policy toward the north" pursued by the Park regime, the Koreans are standing at the crossroads of life and death. If the south Korean authorities have even an iota of national conscience, they should opt for dialogue to defuse the military tension and allow the non-governmental north-south exchange including the above-said event.

The speakers declared that they would lift their voices calling for upholding and implementing the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration and intensify the struggle against the U.S. and other anti-reunification forces.

An appeal of All-Korean Committee for Implementation of June 15 Joint Declaration was read out at the meeting.

Then, a seminar to mark the 16th anniversary of the June 15 joint declaration was held.

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