calendar>>June 19. 2016 Juche 105
Reckless Military Actions of S. Korea and U.S. Denounced
Pyongyang, June 19 (KCNA) -- Recently the south Korean military warmongers are massively introducing warships flying the cursed flags of the "UN forces" and the south Korean puppet regime into the mouth of the Han River beyond the hotspot waters of the West Sea under the pretext of "controlling" the illegal fishing by fishing boats of the third country. This is conducted under the codename of the so-called the "Han River operation."

The mouth of the Han River is the place where military forces of the north and south have never appeared since the armistice in 1953.

It is the area where all acts of both sides are correctly detected by naked eyes without any monitoring device.

The "operation" conducted by the south Korean puppet army in this area with heavily armed warships and helicopters involved is aimed at escalating the intrusion into the hotspot waters in the West Sea of Korea into the inland to secure a chance for military provocation.

This military operation is underway under carefully prearranged preparations.

Prior to the kick-off of the operation, the south Korean puppet military warmongers pushed the intelligence watch posture "Watchcon" to "1" from "3 A" and launched an intensive watch on the area of the DPRK side day and night with drones and all types of electronic surveillance devices involved. One hour before the start of the operation, they put the artillery units in all operational theatres combat ready after raising their firing posture to "A" from "C".

They have already formed the so-called operation team with the marine corps and the naval special warfare force in mid-May and let a huge task group made up of combat warships and helicopters frequently intrude into the naval boundary line of the DPRK side in all southwestern hotspot waters including Yonphyong Island from June 10.

This clearly proves that the south Korean warmongers pin a great hope on this "Han River operation" in carrying out their scenario for escalating the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north.

The provocateurs are so ridiculous as to publicly claim that accidental armed conflicts are more likely in this area than the northwestern islands as there is no fixed Military Demarcation Line at the mouth of the Han River and communication between ships is very limited there.

This balderdash clearly shows that the south Korean puppet military warmongers are launching the "Han River operation" on the premise of military clash with the Korean People's Army.

None of the preceding ruling quarters of south Korea ill-famed for inciting confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north has hurled warships into the mouth of the Han River to spark the danger of clash.

The reckless acts of the Park Geun Hye group are baffling human imagination.

The military provocations of the south Korean military warmongers escalating to the mouth of the Han River from the hotspot waters in the West Sea are designed to cause the Korean People's Army to take a self-defensive counter-action in these waters and build up the public opinion terming it "provocation and threat" from the north.

What should not be overlooked is that the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces are directly involved in the operation, not content with zealously patronizing it.

Prior to this operation, the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces in south Korea appeared in Panmunjom and sent over loudspeaker "notice" in a sinister bid to explain its justice.

By appearing in the scene of the operation kicked off by the puppet forces under the veil of the Military Armistice Commission which nobody recognized, they self-exposed that they are the arch criminals escalating the military tension.

The U.S. artificially created the world's biggest hotspot waters by cooking up the "northern limit line", illegal and brigandish ghost line, persistently shunning the fixing of the fair extension of the MDL in the West Sea 60-odd years ago.

The south Korean puppet forces are the worst confrontation maniacs keen to ignite the second Korean war at the instigation of their U.S. master.

The service personnel and people of the DPRK value peace of the country and security of the nation more than anyone else.

That is why they can never allow such military provocations as reckless intrusion into waters and preemptive firing to disturb peace and security.

The Korean People's Army has already served warnings to all provocateurs intruding inviolable territories, seas and air over which the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised enough to make them understand how it will retaliate against them. .

The Korean People's Army is following with higher vigilance the ever-more dangerous military moves of the U.S. imperialist aggressor forces and the south Korean puppet warmongers.

The provocateurs would be well advised not to forget the bitter lesson taught by the Yonphyong Island shelling.

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