calendar>>June 20. 2016 Juche 105
Indonesian Political Party Condemns S. Korean Puppet Forces' Allurement and Abduction of DPRK Citizens
Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The National Guidance Council of the Pioneer Party of Indonesia issued a statement on June 15 to denounce the south Korean puppet gangsters for alluring and abducting DPRK citizens to south Korea.

The south Korean authorities obsessed with the anti-DPRK smear campaign unhesitatingly allured and abducted DPRK citizens and are turning away from the elementary demand of the families of the victims to meet their daughters, the statement charged, adding:

The south Korean authorities are keeping the victims away from contact with outside and making desperate efforts to convince the public that they "defected from the north according to their free will" with all appeasements and blackmails.

We strongly denounce the south Korean authorities' heinous allurement and abduction of DPRK citizens as a wanton encroachment upon the dignity of the DPRK and unethical crime violating the World Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convention on Human Rights.

We strongly demand the south Korean authorities unconditionally and immediately send back the abductees of the DPRK and punish those involved in the abduction at once.

We appeal to the international human rights bodies to call into question the south Korean authorities' allurement and abduction and take measures to send back DPRK citizens to their country at an early date.

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