calendar>>June 21. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slashes at S. Korean Puppet Forces' "Diplomacy for Pressurizing North"
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet ruling quarters are desperately pursuing "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" aimed to stifle the DPRK in conspiracy with outsiders, turning down the proposal for reconciliation and unity made by compatriots, says Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article, adding:

This is an intolerable provocation and a blatant challenge to the goodwill of the DPRK to defuse tension on the Korean peninsula and improve the inter-Korean relations through dialogue and negotiations.

The south Korean authorities' "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" is a ridiculous act of the fools as they fail to judge the trend of the times.

Their desperate bid to "pressurize the north", being backed by outsiders, is no more than a wriggling of a drowning man trying to catch at a straw.

It is also a despicable act of dolts unaware of the domestic and foreign public's unanimous condemnation and snub at them.

Nothing can stop the DPRK from dynamically advancing, demonstrating the might of a nuclear power, pursuant to the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts. The puppet forces' "diplomacy for pressurizing the north" is bound to go bust.

The south Korean authorities would be well advised to halt the foolish and mean "diplomacy", though belatedly, well aware that neither "sanctions" nor "pressure" can prevent the service personnel and people of the DPRK from dynamically advancing along the road of independence, Songun and socialism.

The Koreans will never pardon the south Korean conservative authorities desperately working to boost cooperation with outsiders in the confrontation with the DPRK, swimming against the trend of times.

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