calendar>>June 21. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Opposition Parties Condemns Puppet Police Suppression
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Opposition parties in south Korea condemned the puppet police for suppressing the organizations which were involved in the campaign to punish those who went against the people's mind-set during the April 13 general elections.

The floor leader of the Minju Party of south Korea recalled at a meeting of the emergency measure committee held at the "National Assembly" on June 17 that the police carried out a search and confiscation operation against the offices of the organizations including the Citizens Solidarity for Democratic Society on the previous day, and questioned for what purpose they made such investigation.

The co-representative of the Party of People at a meeting held at the "National Assembly" that day angrily asked if such police suppression was not intended to gag the people.

A spokesman for the Party of Justice held a press conference on June 16 at which he declared it was a problem for the police to regard it as illegal to verify and assess the qualifications of lawmakers of the "NA," adding that it was hardly understandable for the police to resort to such excessive investigation as search and confiscation.

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