calendar>>June 21. 2016 Juche 105
Senior Researcher of Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry Raps U.S. Arms Build-up
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Hyon Su, senior researcher of the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, made public a commentary critical of the U.S. arms build-up harassing peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

The U.S. arms build-up which disturbs the peace and security and escalates the danger of war on the peninsula and in the region has reached a serious phase, the commentary says, and goes on:

The U.S. nuclear-powered submarine Mississippi entered Pusan Port of south Korea on June 13.

The submarine with a displacement of 7,800 tons commissioned in 2012 is an up-to-date attack nuclear submarine of the U.S. Navy. Equipped with 12 cruise missile launchers and 4 torpedo launchers, the sub is capable of performing the mission of attacking warships and subs of the rival side and supporting special operations.

The U.S. has introduced Stennis and Ronald Reagan nuclear carrier strike groups into south Korea and its vicinity for the first time in history. It announced that it would deploy Pacific reaction flotilla of the U.S. Third Fleet including cruise missile destroyers Spruance and Momsen in East Asia under the pretext of extending the operation theatre of the U.S. Seventh Fleet based in Japan and would dispatch more warships to this region.

It is well known that the U.S. "Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy" which calls for deploying over 60 percent of its Navy in Asia-Pacific by 2020 is aimed at maintaining the political and military edge in this region and the DPRK is made its primary target.

At a time when a scenario for vicious "precision air raid operation" designed to "disable" the nuclear facilities and strategic means of the DPRK is openly advertised in the U.S., the up-to-date U.S. nuclear submarine entered a south Korean port, adding to the gravity of the prevailing situation.

A series of "war scenarios" against the DPRK worked out by the U.S. and the U.S. massive introduction of strategic assets into south Korea clearly prove that detente and security on the peninsula can not be ensured by the unilateral efforts of one party.

Much upset by the strong denunciation and criticism by the DPRK and regional countries, the U.S. painted Mississippi's entry into Pusan Port as a "port-call scheduled before several months" and "routine visit" but it is sheer sophism.

On the contrary, it goes to prove the fact that the U.S. is ceaselessly creating an evil cycle of confrontation and tensions on the Korean peninsula and in the region in a bid to hamstring at any cost the efforts of the DPRK for prosperity and carrying out Washington's scenario to bring down its social system in a premeditated and regular manner.

It is quite self-evident that the line of simultaneously pushing forward economic construction and the building of nuclear force is the only choice for defending the dignity and sovereignty of the nation and developing economy and improving the people's living standard as early as possible now that the U.S. persists in its frantic anti-DPRK moves.

It has become clearer that the U.S. perverted view on the DPRK is the main reason why tensions persist on the Korean peninsula so dangerously.

The U.S. made a very hasty and strategically wrong decision this time, too.

The DPRK is ready for both dialogue and physical action.

In case something undesirable happens on the peninsula, the U.S. will be held fully accountable for this.

If the U.S. wants to survive even now, it had better stop at once its frantic war moves against the DPRK to carry out its anachronistic and reckless scenario for dominating the world.

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