calendar>>June 21. 2016 Juche 105
Unha Seawater Swimming Pool
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- The Unha Seawater Swimming Pool in Pothonggang District, Pyongyang is crowded with citizens these days.

The two-storied building has a swimming pool with 450 square meters in area on the first floor, sandy and pebbly areas for sunbathing on the second floor and various sudatoria.

Seawater pipelined from the West Sea of Korea is pure and clean, while sandy and pebbly areas remind visitors of beaches on the eastern coast of the country.

According to Cha Kum Hyang, head of the swimming pool, hundreds of people enjoy swimming in seawater everyday.

The swimming pool was built thanks to the loving care of leader Kim Jong Il who devoted his all to the well being of people, she said.

Kwon Yong Ho, a resident living in port city Wonsan, told KCNA:

Yesterday I saw an excellent performance at the Rungna Dolphinarium. But it is my surprise that I could enjoy seawater swimming even in Pyongyang. I am very satisfied and feel refreshed.

It is my firm determination to work harder to repay for all the loving care shown by the motherly party and state for the people.

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