calendar>>June 24. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of June 15 North-South Joint Declaration Observed by Foreign Newspapers
Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- Indonesian and Myanmar newspapers respectively dedicated one whole page to special write-ups marking the 16th anniversary of the publication of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration.

The Indonesian newspaper International Daily on June 15 in an article titled "By ushering in new era of independent reunification" illustrated with a portrait of smiling leader Kim Jong Il said that he dedicated his all to accomplishing the Korean nation's cause of reunification.

It said he provided a strong political and military force for national reunification and that the era of By Our Nation Itself, the June 15 era of reunification, was ushered in thanks to his Songun leadership.

It went on:

The hot wind of following Kim Jong Il as the lodestar of reunification was raised among all Koreans in the north and the south and abroad and anti-U.S., pro-reunification sentiments unprecedentedly mounted in south Korea. He is always remembered by the Korean people and other progressive peoples as a peerless patriot.

Another article titled "Choice of U.S." noted that the international community is getting increasingly vocal demanding the U.S. roll back its hostile policy toward the DPRK.

The Myanmar newspaper The New Age on June 14 in an article titled "Realistic way of Korea's reunification" said it is a unanimous desire of not only the Korean people but also other peace-loving peoples in the world to put an end to the confrontation between the north and south of Korea and achieve national reunification.

It gave a detailed account of the reason why it becomes a realistic way of Korea's reunification for the north and the south to reject outsiders, firmly maintain the stand of By Our Nation Itself, stage a dynamic struggle for preserving nation's security and peace and create an atmosphere for improving the north-south relations.

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