calendar>>June 24. 2016 Juche 105
Anniversary of Labor Law Marked
Pyongyang, June 24 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the Central Youth Hall Thursday to mark the 70th anniversary of the Labor Law.

President Kim Il Sung personally completed the draft labor law in order to provide the Korean people with true working conditions and made sure that all-people discussion was made on the draft labor law. Then he promulgated the Labor Law on June 24, Juche 35 (1946).

Present at the meeting were Pak Pong Ju, Yang Hyong Sop, O Su Yong and Ro Tu Chol, and officials of power organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions, officials of institutions and enterprises and other working people in the city.

Premier Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the C.C., the Workers' Party of Korea, made a report.

He said that the Labor Law which embodied the Juche-oriented idea on the issue of labor clarified by the President is an original labor programme which reflected the requirements for developing the Korean revolution and the aspiration of the people and a democratic law which newly stipulated the issue of the working people's labor.

He went on:

The promulgation of the historic Labor Law helped the Korean people positively turn out in building a new country as the master of labor and paved a wide avenue to rapidly improving the people's working conditions and the standard of their material and cultural life.

Kim Il Sung comprehensively dealt with successes and experience gained in the struggle to strengthen the socialist labor system and worked out and promulgated "The Socialist Labor Law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea", legally consolidating the best socialist labor system of our country.

Since the promulgation of the labor law, the socialist labor system of our country has fully demonstrated the advantages and might as the most revolutionary and popular labor system under the guidance of the great leader and the great party and brought about a great turn in the people's working life.

The reporter stressed the need to firmly preserve the revolutionary feats Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il performed in developing the socialist labor administration and thoroughly implement their last instructions.

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