calendar>>June 25. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Nuclear Sub's Entry into S. Korean Port Censured by Swiss Bodies
Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- We bitterly denounce the U.S. nuclear submarine Mississippi's entry into a south Korean port.

The Switzerland-Korea Committee and the Swiss Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said this in a joint statement on June 18.

The statement went on:

Two nuclear aircraft carriers of the U.S. are sailing in the waters of Asia-Pacific near the Korean peninsula. Against this backdrop, the U.S. nuclear submarine Mississippi has entered a south Korean port. This directly poses threat to the sovereignty and security of the DPRK.

For the DPRK to bolster nuclear deterrent for self-defence is the best option to cope with the constant nuclear threat from the U.S.

The line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force being held fast to by the Workers' Party of Korea is the most just line for defending socialist Korea from the U.S. criminal and aggressive nuclear war moves.

The U.S. is insisting that the DPRK should dismantle its nukes first, while steadily increasing its nuclear arsenal. This is, indeed, sheer sophism and brigandish logic.

A "world without nuclear weapons" being advertised by the U.S. only provokes laughter of the world public in the light of its aggression policy hostile to the DPRK.

Peace on the Korean peninsula can be ensured only when the U.S. pulls its aggressor forces and nuclear weapons out of south Korea, stop nuclear war drills against the DPRK, conclude a peace treaty with it and refrain from disturbing independent reunification of Korea.

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