calendar>>June 25. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Permanent Mission at UN Sends Notice to U.S. Department of State
Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- As regards the DPRK's recent successful test-fire of surface-to-surface medium long-range strategic ballistic rocket Hwasong-10, the U.S. Department of State on June 23 informed the former of its stand that the former's strategic ballistic rocket test-fire was a wanton "violation" of the resolutions of the UNSC, escalated the tension on the Korean peninsula and created instability in the region and, therefore, the former should refrain from any further provocation and threat.

Lurking behind this is a U.S. sinister intention to cover up its criminal act of rendering the situation on the peninsula extremely tense, pass the buck for the increasing tension on the peninsula to the DPRK and, at the same time, ratchet up the atmosphere of international pressure upon it, while persistently resorting to war drills and arms buildup on the peninsula and in its vicinity.

In this connection the DPRK permanent mission at the UN sent a reply notice to the U.S. Department of State on June 24 clarifying the DPRK's principled stand.

The notice expressed the DPRK's stand that the "resolutions" of the UNSC which ban the former's rocket launch is a breach of the UN Charter and international laws and a series of steps taken by Pyongyang to bolster up its nuclear deterrent to cope with the undisguised nuclear threat which the U.S. is posing to it by ceaselessly introducing strategic assets into south Korea and its vicinity cannot be regarded as provocations as they are the DPRK's just measures for self-defence.

It emphasized it is the stand of the DPRK that it should have in place powerful attack means which can pose a constant threat to the U.S. in order to firmly protect the security of the country and the people from the U.S. persistent nuclear threat.

The notice also stressed the DPRK's principled stand that as the U.S. hostile acts against the DPRK have become "routine", the latter's work for implementing the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts to cope with those acts has been put on a routine basis and it would continue taking steps for bolstering up its nuclear deterrent for self-defence one after another, consistently holding fast to the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts as long as the U.S. hostile policy and nuclear threat persist.

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