calendar>>June 26. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Terms U.S. and S. Korean Puppet Forces Aggressors, Nuclear War Maniacs
Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces are unpardonable criminals that ignited a war on the Korean peninsula to invade the DPRK and committed all shudder crimes, says Rodong Sinmun Sunday in an article.

Terming the U.S. forces hideous aggressors and dangerous war-like forces persistently pursuing the wild ambition for stifling the DPRK and working hard to ignite a new war on the Korean peninsula, the article goes on:

Far from drawing a lesson from the ignominious defeat it sustained in the past Korean war, the U.S. has zealously sought a chance to invade the DPRK, being hell-bent on escalating the military confrontation with it in collusion with the south Korean war maniacs.

The U.S. has staged joint military drills under various codenames every year under the simulated conditions of invading the north in league with the south Korean puppet forces, while persisting in posing nuclear blackmail and threat to the DPRK. This is aimed to ignite the second Korean war at any cost by pushing the situation on the Korean peninsula to the extreme phase of confrontation and tensions.

The U.S. has imposed unprecedentedly harsh "sanctions" and pressure upon the DPRK, taking issue with its measure for bolstering nuclear deterrent for self-defence and legitimate satellite launch. Recently it has gone so far as to map out an "operation plan for high-precision air raid" on the nuclear force of the DPRK. This is all aimed to realize the wild dream it failed to do so in the 1950s by ratcheting up its war moves targeting the DPRK.

If the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces continue running riot and dare ignite a war despite the repeated warnings served by the DPRK, its service personnel and people will annihilate the provocateurs to the last man by giving fullest play to their fully bolstered military muscle and accomplish the historic cause of national reunification.

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