calendar>>June 27. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean People Hold Rally Calling for Probe into Truth behind Ferry Sewol Disaster
Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- Over 10 000 south Koreans held an all-people rally in Seoul on June 25 calling for amending the special law on the ferry Sewol disaster, the south Korean internet paper, Voice of People, said.

The speakers at the rally denounced the Park Geun Hye regime for allowing the Ad Hoc Committee for Probing the Truth behind the Ferry Sewol Disaster to continue its investigation till June 30, and for going ahead with administrative procedures for the disorganization of the committee without any legal ground.

At the end of the rally the bereaved families went on a sit-in in front of the building of the puppet government in demand of the withdrawal of the plan to disorganize the committee.

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