calendar>>June 28. 2016 Juche 105
International Meeting Supports Korean People's Just Cause
Pyongyang, June 28 (KCNA) -- An appeal supporting the just cause of the Korean people was adopted at the 4th meeting of the International Union of Agricultural and Foodstuff Workers held in Paris on June 16.

Noting that Korea's reunification is directly linked to peace and security in Asia and the rest of the world and a pressing matter the solution of which is being urged by the progressives, the appeal said:

It is the outsiders that divided the Korean nation and it is the U.S. and its followers that have blocked Korea's reunification.

The U.S. should roll back its anachronistic policy hostile to the DPRK, replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty and withdraw its aggressor troops and war hardware from south Korea.

The U.S. should accept the fair and aboveboard demand of the DPRK for defusing the danger of war, easing tension and create a peaceful environment on the Korean peninsula.

The 4th Meeting of the International Union of Agricultural and Foodstuff Workers fully supports the proposal for Korea's reunification made by HE Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, at its Seventh Congress, which called for holding aloft the banner of national independence and great national unity, ensuring lasting peace on the Korean peninsula and reunifying the country by federal formula.

It also ardently calls on all organizations of working people in the field of agriculture and relevant sectors to bitterly denounce the U.S. and its followers' hostile policy toward the DPRK and unreasonable moves to stifle and impose sanctions upon it and to extend positive support and encouragement to the Korean people in their struggle for reunifying the country by the efforts of the nation in line with its independent will and demand.

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