calendar>>June 29. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses S. Korean Authorities of Making Mockery of Participants in Kwangju Popular Uprising
Pyongyang, June 29 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities are mulling hurling the puppet 11th airborne special warfare brigade into the so-called "street march in Kwangju Metropolitan City to mark the anniversary of the June 25 war" to be staged in Kwangju.

The above-said brigade is the man-killing unit which earned an ill-fame for the Kwangju massacre under the backstage manipulation of the U.S. imperialists and at the instructions of the Chun Doo-Hwan military fascist junta.

Rodong Sinmun Wednesday says in a commentary in this regard:

This is an unpardonable mockery of the participants in the Kwangju Popular Uprising and citizens of Kwangju and a blatant challenge to the south Korean people aspiring after independence, democracy and reunification.

What should not be overlooked is that the recent case happened at a time when the present south Korean ruling forces were zealously resorting to the moves for reviving the "yusin" dictatorship while distorting and stamping out the historical significance of the Kwangju Popular Uprising and spirit of democratization.

The reality goes to prove that the south Korean ruling forces' moves for reviving the erstwhile bloody "yusin" fascist dictatorship have reached an uncontrollable serious phase.

What merits more serious attention is that the south Korean authorities tried hard to stage the above-said "street march", finding fault with the DPRK.

It is needless to say that such attempt is an anti-reunification act of further freezing the north-south relations as it is a mean politically-motivated provocation against the DPRK.

The south Korean authorities are seeking a way out of their worst ruling crisis in reviving the "yusin" dictatorship and escalating confrontation with the north but it is too late.

The puppet ruling forces are bound to be sternly judged by history and nation as they are keen on acts of treachery while swimming against the desire of the people and the trend of the times.

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