calendar>>June 30. 2016 Juche 105
Foreign Media Laud Kim Jong Il's Revolutionary Feats
Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- Foreign media carried write-ups to mark the 52nd anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il's start of work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).

The 21st issue of the Lao newspaper Congtap Pasason Lao carried a portrait of smiling Kim Jong Il and an article which said:

There are not a few great men in history who contributed to human progress. But they were not as great as Kim Jong Il who made tremendous contributions to the cause of global independence with his matchless great idea and leadership.

The Indonesian newspaper International Media on June 18 said:

The DPRK, once a weak colony was eclipsed in the world arena a century ago, has acquired the dignity as a politico-military power, satellite manufacturer and launcher and nuclear weapons state and makes a leaping progress towards highly civilized socialist nation.

This would be unthinkable without President Kim Il Sung and HE Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of the WPK.

The website of the Communist Party "Communists of Russia" posted a photo of Kim Jong Il on June 19 and an article which said he set it as the most important task to develop the WPK into the leader's party and successfully implemented it.

The Senegalese newspaper Le Populaire on June 16 carried an article titled "WPK and Kim Jong Il" illustrated with his photo.

The State Radio of Senegal and F.M. 90.5 Radio of Cambodia aired programs praising his party-building exploits on June 16 and 17.

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