calendar>>June 30. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il's Feats for Party-building Praised by British Body
Pyongyang, June 30 (KCNA) -- The British Association for the Study of Songun Policy posted an article praising leader Kim Jong Il's exploits for party-building on its website on June 22, illustrated with his photo.

The article said that Kim Jong Il, who started his work at the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) 52 years ago, formulated the revolutionary idea of the leader as Kimilsungism and made it the guiding idea of the party with his energetic ideological and theoretical activities and thus developed the WPK into the party of President Kim Il Sung both in name and reality.

The appearance of the WPK represents that of a venerable mother, it noted, and went on:

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il's feats and cause for building a revolutionary party of Juche type, a mass party are being creditably carried forward by the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Kim Jong Un's election to the top post of the party at its historic Seventh Congress helped the WPK always shed its rays as the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist party and firmly guarantee the rosy future of Juche Korea.

Thanks to another outstanding leader the history of victory of the WPK led by the great Generalissimos will be everlasting and the WPK will give fuller play to its dignity and might as an invincible revolutionary party, mother party.

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