calendar>>July 1. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Meets Special Envoy of First Secretary of CPC Central Committee
Pyongyang, July 1 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, on Thursday met Salvador Antonio Valdes Mesa, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) and vice-president of the Council of State of Cuba, and his party on a visit to the DPRK as a special envoy of Raul Castro Ruz, first secretary of the C.C., CPC.

Kim Jong Un had a talk with them.

Welcoming them to the DPRK, he said their visit marks an important occasion in developing the relations between the two parties and two countries.

He noted he was sincerely pleased that the Seventh Congress of the CPC was successfully held and Comrade Raul Castro Ruz was reelected first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC.

He said that as Comrade Salvador Antonio Valdes Mesa informed the WPK in detail of the CPC Seventh Congress, the WPK came to know better about the issues to which the CPC attaches importance and the will of the Cuban party, government and people to invariably hold high the banner of the cause of socialism against imperialism.

Noting that the CPC Seventh Congress is of important significance in enhancing the leadership role of the party and advancing the socialist cause, he sent a militant salute and warm hug to the Cuban party and people in their struggle for building socialism in conformity with the actual conditions of Cuba.

The DPRK and Cuba are far away from each other geographically, but they are fighting in the same trench of the common struggle against imperialism, and the WPK, government and people of the DPRK are always standing by the side of the Cuban party, government and people, he said, expressing the belief that the traditional relations of friendship and cooperation between the two parties and two countries would grow stronger in the future.

Salvador Antonio Valdes Mesa conveyed the warm greetings of Fidel Castro Ruz and Raul Castro Ruz to Kim Jong Un, the supreme leader of the Korean people.

Salvador Antonio Valdes Mesa expressed thanks to Kim Jong Un for having paid deep attention to the itinerary of their sojourn in the DPRK and spared his precious time to receive them though he was very busy leading the drive for building a socialist power.

He said that he deemed it as a great honor to personally convey the warm congratulations of Raul Castro Ruz to Kim Jong Un, the most creditable successor to the revolutionary cause of Comrades Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the great leaders of the Korean people, on his election as chairman of the WPK at its Seventh Congress.

Noting that the friendly relations between the two countries provided by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il together with Fidel Castro Ruz and Raul Castro Ruz have grown strong under the special care of Kim Jong Un and Raul Castro Ruz, he stressed that it is the steadfast policy of the party and government of Cuba to steadily develop the relations of friendship and cooperation with the DPRK.

The Seventh Congress of the CPC once again reiterated the will of Cuba never to give up socialism but develop socialism in a sustainable manner and steadily boost the relations of solidarity with all countries including the DRPK which has traditionally and historically supported the Cuban revolution, he added.

At the talk the two sides informed each other of the important issues of mutual concern of the WPK and the CPC and the successes and experience gained in party activities and socialist construction in the two countries, had a sincere exchange of opinions on the international situation and shared views on all issues.

A gift from Raul Castro Ruz was presented to Kim Jong Un by Salvador Antonio Valdes Mesa.

Kim Jong Un thanked for it and had a photo session with the special envoy and his party.

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