calendar>>July 1. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Future Is Bright: Leading Newspapers
Pyongyang, July 1 (KCNA) -- The Fourth Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK held here on June 29 elected the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un as chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK.

DPRK's leading papers Friday in editorials say that holding Kim Jong Un in high esteem at the top post of the DPRK is a great honor and national auspicious event of the service personnel and people of the DPRK and a historic event in carrying forward to the last the cause of the Juche revolution that started on Mt. Paektu.

Nearly five years have passed since the service personnel and people of the DPRK entered the new century of Juche after overcoming bitter grief, says Rodong Sinmun.

It goes on:

These days saw the full demonstration of the personality of Kim Jong Un as a peerlessly great man over the world and cementing of the blood ties between him and the service personnel and people of the DPRK.

Under his leadership, the party, state and army of the DPRK have developed into the glorious party, state and army of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il, and the single-minded unity, mainstay of the Korean revolution, has been consolidated in every way and the DPRK demonstrated its might as an invincible and matchless political and military power and youth power without an equal in the world.

Kim Jong Un glorified the DPRK as the Juche-oriented space power and independent nuclear power and ushered in the Mallima era undergoing changes day and night on this land. The service personnel and people of the DPRK are seeing the bright tomorrow of the great Paektusan nation which will leap towards a socialist economic power and highly civilized power in his distinguished practical ability.

Minju Joson says that it is the steadfast will of all the service personnel and other people of the DPRK to accelerate the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution and the socialist cause holding Kim Jong Un in high esteem at the top post of the DPRK, and their revolutionary spirit is sky-high and the future of the DPRK is rosy as they are led by him.

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