calendar>>July 1. 2016 Juche 105 |
National Reunification Institute Reveals Park Geun Hye Group's Human Rights Abuses
Pyongyang, July 1 (KCNA) -- The National Reunification Institute Friday made public the records of human rights abuses the Park Geun Hye group has committed by turning south Korea into the worst hell where all sorts of horrible crimes against the people and human ethics are perpetrated. According to the records, Park Geun Hye who inherited fascist nature of the "yusin" dictator has resorted to such politically-motivated terrorism as arresting, imprisoning and eliminating whoever stands in the way of her dictatorial rule. In 2013 the Park group arrested aged core members of the South Headquarters of the Pan-national Alliance for Korea's Reunification including its Vice-Chairman Ro Su Hui on the charge of violation of the "Security Law" and brutally imposed upon them ideological conversion. In October 2013 her group outlawed the Teachers Union, a typical progressive organization in the educational circle of south Korea after labeling it "organization following the north." In December 2014, the Park group forcibly disbanded the Unified Progressive Party. This was the height of its politically-motivated terrorism. Freedom of speech and expression is wantonly violated in south Korea under the brutal tyrannical rule of the Park group. The group of traitors deleted more than 23 790 articles from websites and forcibly shut down hundreds of websites on the charge of violation of the "Security Law" for eight months since its coming to power. The puppet regime has mercilessly suppressed the protest actions of the south Korean people for their vital rights against the unpopular rule. It filed a suit with the court against at least 190 railway unionists after branding the general strike of railway workers of south Korea demanding the withdrawal of policy for de-nationalization of railways and stop to the suppression of the trade unions as "illegal one", and dismissed more than 8 500 workers. It hurled about 5 000 police gangsters into storming the headquarters of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, legitimate organization, and walked off more than 130. Owing to the reckless "stimulating economy policy" of traitor Park, "state debt" of south Korea reached 1 170 billion U.S. dollars, an all-time high, and families' debt increased to 1 200 billion U.S. dollars or a jump of 30 percent over that three years ago. In February this year the Park group shut down the Kaesong Industrial Zone, driving about 6 000 businesses of south Korea including 124 others ready to operate there into the mire of bankruptcy. The Park group has turned south Korea into a veritable hell and mayhem. A typical example was the ferry Sewol disaster which stunned the world in April, 2014. The Park group's crimes found a vivid manifestation in the fact that MERS broke out in south Korea in May last year, plunging it into extreme uneasiness, horror and confusion. Owing to the Park group's irresponsible and careless measure, epidemics persisted for more than 200 days, infecting 186 persons and leaving 38 dead, over 16 000 isolated. Even now people are seized with uneasiness and fear due to the continued spread of diseases for unknown reasons. The number of cases of violence that occurred in families last year reached over 40 000 cases or more than double that in the previous year. The Park group vociferated about the "elimination of gender discrimination", "nursing and upbringing of children free of charge" and "improvement of welfare" during the "presidential" election campaign and following its seizure of power, but this was no more than a mockery and hypocrisy against the people. At present, the rate of the south Korean women's participation in economic activities recorded the lowest among countries and regions under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the gap between both sexes in wages is 39 percent, more deplorable than that in developing countries. The number of cases of maltreatment of children is on the yearly increase. It rose 27 times in 2014 as compared with that in 2010. Discrimination against disabled persons and old persons has reached a serious phase. The Park group has been well aware that the U.S. deliberately introduced germ weapons including anthrax and pest germs into its military bases in south Korea and conducted biochemical tests aimed to exterminate Koreans but it made no scruple of committing treacherous acts of conniving and patronizing them. When it was disclosed last year that the U.S. forces in south Korea illegally introduced anthrax germs into south Korea, the Park group was busy evading responsibility for it, talking nonsense that it did not receive an advance notice from the U.S. forces side and behaved slavishly, imploring the U.S. forces side to take measures to prevent the recurrence of such accident. The puppet regime made no scruple of nullifying the sexual slavery for the Imperial Japanese Army in a bid to cover up the "yusin" dictator's pro-Japanese acts. It has committed countless human rights abuses and unethical crimes while escalating the confrontation with the compatriots in the north. This is clearly evidenced by the facts that the puppet group hurled the Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Unification, the Foreign Ministry, the "center for protecting inhabitants who defected from the north", "foundation to support inhabitants who defected from the north", "team for overseas cooperation of the national community" and other plot-breeding bodies under the mask of civilians into operations for luring and abducting inhabitants of the north and forcibly putting them in custody and imposing "defection" upon them. The true colors of the Park Geun Hye group as hideous human rights abusers were fully revealed by the fact that it lured and abducted over 10 women employees of the DPRK who worked abroad in April this year and is keeping them in custody under the absurd pretext of "free will." What merits more serious attention in the unethical crimes of the Park group is that it has abused inviolable human rights for escalating the confrontation with the compatriots in the north and for moves to do harm to them. The group has persistently resorted to anti-DPRK "human rights" campaign with the backing of foreign forces, groundlessly pulling up the DPRK. No sooner had she come to power than invited riff-raffs including those from the U.S. and Japan to Chongwadae at which she trumpeted about "human rights in the north" and implored them for "deep attention and positive cooperation", behaving in a coquettish manner. She made desperate efforts to join other countries in the anti-DPRK "human rights" campaign. In March last she railroaded the "bill on human rights in the north" through the "National Assembly" though this anti-reunification evil bill failed to pass through it under the rule of traitor Lee Myung Bak. The desperate efforts of the Park group to hide the grim realities of south Korea and human rights abuses would only bring to light its true colors and precipitate its miserable doom, the records concluded. |
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