calendar>>July 1. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. War Crimes Condemned by Int'l Bodies
Pyongyang, July 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists perpetrated brutal atrocities against the Korean people in the 1950-1953 Korean War.

Their hideous crimes were verified and condemned by a number of international fact-finding groups at that time.

A fact-finding team of the Women's International Democratic Federation, which consisted of delegates from 17 countries, said in its report in May 1951:

The mass killings and tortures committed by the U.S. troops in their temporarily occupied areas are more horrible than what the Nazis did in Europe.

Each fact shows that the Korean War is for destroying civilian houses, damaging grains and killing women and old persons rather than military objects, war supplies and combatants.

A fact-finding team of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers said in a joint communique it announced in March 1952 after investigating the cruel massacres by the U.S. imperialist butchers in Sinchon County of the DPRK: We affirm that the happening in Korea is a crime rather than a war and the action by the U.S. imperialists is criminal both in terms of scheme and practice.

In May 2002, an international fact-finding group toured different areas of south Korea's North and South Kyongsang and South Jolla provinces to investigate the GIs' wartime crimes.

The group stated that the U.S. is an international criminal as its troops violated the 1949 Geneva Conventions in the Korean War and that the war was conducted for the American interests.

The records of history clearly show that the U.S. imperialists are the sworn enemy of the Korean nation.

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