calendar>>July 2. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Officials Visit KPA Tree Nursery and Stockbreeding Co-op Farm
Pyongyang, July 2 (KCNA) -- Officials of power and economic organs including the chairpersons of the provincial, city and county people's committees across the country visited the Tree Nursery No. 122 of the Korean People's Army (KPA) and the Namsan Stockbreeding Cooperative Farm in Kusong City.

They looked round the tree nursery on Friday.

They laid flowers before the mosaic depicting smiling leader Kim Jong Il and paid tribute to him.

Being briefed on the tree nursery, they went round the nursery.

Earlier, they went round the Namsan Stockbreeding Cooperative Farm in Kusong City.

They learned about the feats performed by the peerlessly great persons for the development of the farm at the room for the education in the revolutionary history.

They went round the facilities for stockbreeding.

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