calendar>>July 3. 2016 Juche 105
Congratulatory Letter to Kim Jong Un from General Association of Koreans in China
Pyongyang, July 3 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the General Association of Koreans in China on June 30.

Upon receiving the news that Kim Jong Un was elected chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK at the Fourth Session of the 13th Supreme People's Assembly, the General Association of Koreans in China and all the Koreans in China are greatly excited and rejoiced, the letter said.

Holding him to the top post of the DPRK is a revelation of the firm faith and unshakable will of all service personnel and other people of the country to bring earlier the final victory of the cause of the Juche revolution, socialist cause under his guidance and an event of the national history helping glorify the socialist country, precious legacy left by the great Generalissimos, as eternal Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong Il's Korea to the whole world, the letter pointed out.

It praised him as the lodestar of national reunification, the destiny of the Korean nation and peerless patriot as he is firmly protecting the dignity and sovereignty of the country and the nation with Songun politics and bringing earlier the day of national reunification and rosy future of the nation with his outstanding ideology, tested leadership and noble virtue.

All the officials of the General Association of Koreans in China and compatriots are hardening their determination of loyalty to devotedly defend only Kim Jong Un politically and ideologically and at the risk of their lives despite any difficulties and under the changed situation and uphold his leadership in one mind and intention, the letter said, adding:

We will more dynamically conduct the patriotic movement for building a reunified, prosperous great Paektusan nation on the land of Korea at an early date as desired so much by the great Generalissimos.

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