calendar>>July 7. 2016 Juche 105
Symposium in Japan Marks 44th Anniversary of July 4 Joint Statement
Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- There took place a symposium in Tokyo on July 4, the 44th anniversary of the July 4 joint statement.

Present there were members of the executive committee of the symposium and compatriots in Japan.

The chairman of the executive committee in a speech said that thanks to the adoption of the June 15 joint declaration and October 4 declaration, the programme for implementing it, which are the landmark for national reunification, a new era of reconciliation and unity, peace and prosperity was ushered in.

However, it is deplorable that all these have reduced to dead documents by the anti-reunification forces at home and abroad and the north-south ties have been again pushed to the uncontrollable phase, he said, and continued:

The three principles of national reunification -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national unity -- the keynote of the July 4 joint statement were embodied in the agreements between the north and the south, thus fully displaying great vitality.

Speakers called upon overseas compatriots to play a great role in the campaign to usher in the second June 15 era of reunification under the uplifted banner of the north-south joint declarations.

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