calendar>>July 7. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung's Lifetime Devoted to Korea's Reunification
Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung in his lifetime had worked heart and soul for the country's reunification.

It was well evidenced by the autograph the President left on a document related to Korea's reunification in the last moments of his life.

Thanks to his great magnanimity and initiative, the north and the south of Korea agreed to hold a north-south summit in Pyongyang in July Juche 83 (1994).

Paying deep attention to the preparations for the summit, Kim Il Sung guided a consultative meeting of senior officials in the economic sector on July 5 and 6, 1994, the last year of his great life. And on July 7, a day before his demise, he examined a document to be dealt at the summit and put his last autograph on it.

From the very day of the country's division, he had singled out its reunification as the supreme task of the nation and devoted his all to its realization.

It was on January 3, 1946 that the President met in Pyongyang with Seoul Sinmun reporters from south Korea. He earnestly told them that the anti-Japanese armed struggle, conducted by the genuine Korean communists at the risk of their lives, was for the liberation of Korea as a whole, not for the north of it.

When the Korean nation faced a crisis of fixed division due to the scheme for "separate elections and separate government" in south Korea, he convened a historic Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Social Organizations in North and South Korea and made sure that a nationwide struggle was waged to frustrate the flunkeyist and traitorous forces' scheme for the country's division.

Later, when the south Korean puppet regime was getting hell-bent on the "two Koreas" plot, the President aroused all Koreans to the struggle against it and then led the work for providing conditions for dialogue and negotiations between the north and the south to adopt their joint statements and agreements.

As a result, the three principles of national reunification was proclaimed as a reunification programme common to the nation through the adoption of the July 4 Joint Statement in July 1972. Then the Proposal for Founding a Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo came into being in October 1980 as a blueprint for a unified state of the Korean nation and the 10-point Programme of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation in April 1993 as a banner for the nationwide reunification movement.

His devoted efforts had aroused the worldwide interest in the issue of Korea's reunification as well as the world progressives' support and solidarity with the Korean people's reunification movement, with the validity of his idea and line on national reunification well-known to the world.

That's why all Koreans have praised him as the peerless patriot and the lodestar of national reunification.

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