calendar>>July 8. 2016 Juche 105
Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute
Pyongyang, July 8 (KCNA) -- The Pyongyang Vegetable Science Institute in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a latest vegetable research and production base housing hydroponic and sheet greenhouses and equipped with ultra-modern bioengineering research facilities.

The institute has made successes in the research into vegetables with high productivity and nutritive value and an effort to put greenhouse vegetable cultivation on a scientific and intensive basis.

It bred a new cabbage with strong homogeneity by applying an ultra-modern bioengineering technology.

It has made scientific researches into securing genes of nutritive vegetables with high resistance to harmful insects and disease, thus laying a foundation for breeding superior species.

Successes have also been made in acclimatizing green tomato and other nutritive vegetables, so as to make it possible to increase varieties and productivity.

The institute also developed technologies of producing hundreds of tons of fruit vegetables per hectare hydroponic greenhouse and a greenhouse-farming of a new variety of pepper.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un visited the institute in July last year and called upon its researchers and employees to do well the greenhouse farming so that citizens could get great benefit from it, and gave precious instructions to be carried out by the institute.

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