calendar>>July 9. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Building Socialist Power True to Behests of Kim Il Sung
Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung is the outstanding leader of the revolution and peerless patriot who gave origin to the building of a socialist power under the banner of Juche and demonstrated before the world the dignity and might of the country with his brilliant idea, theory and leadership, Rodong Sinmun Saturday says in an editorial.

It goes on:

The cause of building a socialist power started by the President is a sacred one making a victorious advance under the banner of independence.

Independence was the revolutionary faith and the principle for building a powerful country which the President cherished and embodied all his life.

The driving force of the Korean revolution and self-development capability of the DPRK remarkably grew strong as the President firmly adhered to the principle of Juche in ideology, independence in politics, self-support in economy and self-reliance in national defence.

The idea of prioritizing the army and the military affairs was the strategic line for building a powerful country maintained by the President during the whole period of leading the revolution.

The President regarded unity as a sure guarantee for all victories and clarified the issue of the driving force of the revolution in a unique manner from the very day he launched his revolutionary struggle. He united broad popular masses and powerfully aroused them, setting an example of the times in socialist construction.

The cause of building a socialist power started by the President is making a dynamic advance in the new century of Juche.

Rosy is the prospect for building a socialist power as there are invincible revolutionary ideas and immortal feats of the great leaders, the experienced and tested leadership of our Party and the service personnel and people having noble sense of moral obligation.

The editorial calls upon all the people to unite closer around supreme leader Kim Jong Un and glorify socialist Korea highly dignified thanks to the ideas and feats of the great leaders as the most powerful country envied by the world.

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