calendar>>July 9. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Raps S. Korean Regime for Turning down DPRK's Proposal of Good Faith
Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- All compatriots at home and abroad fully support a fair proposal of the DPRK to hold a great national conference for reunification on the 71st anniversary of the liberation of the country and eagerly hope for success of the conference, says Rodong Sinmun Saturday in an article.

It goes on:

However, the south Korean authorities are hurling a stream of abuses and invectives at the DPRK instead of responding to its proposal which fully reflects the wishes and will of the fellow countrymen.

It is the consistent stand of the DPRK to weather difficulties and pave a broad avenue to independent reunification through the unity of the whole nation and in the spirit of By Our Nation Itself by placing the national interests above ideologies and isms.

The above-said proposal was prompted by a positive and brave practical intention to achieve the reconciliation between the north and the south, improve the north-south relations and realize national reunification by inheriting the noble tradition of national unity.

However, the south Korean authorities desperately turned down the offer and are working with blood-shot eyes to "pressurize the north" in a bid to do harm to the compatriots in the north in collusion with foreign forces, far from opting for dialogue and cooperation.

This despicable act can be taken only by the group of traitors as they are seized with unconditional repugnancy and extreme hostility towards the compatriots in the north.

Such reckless hysteria of the quislings unable to look even an inch ahead is little short of an intolerable act to bring a nuclear war disaster to the nation.

They are only fated to meet an early doom as they are so foolish as to refuse to respond to the north's goodwill offer to pave the road to reunification with the concerted efforts of the nation, away from their bad habit of confrontation.

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