calendar>>July 9. 2016 Juche 105
Songun Politics, Treasured Sword Guaranteeing Sure Victory
Pyongyang, July 9 (KCNA) -- The DPRK is vigorously advancing toward the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche, holding fast to the Songun politics as a treasured sword guaranteeing sure victory.

The DPRK emerged as an invincible politico-ideological power and socialist fortress with unparalleled military muscle and is hastening the final victory of socialism, despite of the U.S. imperialists' persistent provocations for a nuclear war and their moves to isolate and stifle it. Such remarkable reality would have been unthinkable without the great Songun politics.

Leader Kim Jong Il made public his famous work "Songun Politics of Our Party Is an Effective Socialist Political Mode" in July Juche 90 (2001). In the work, he made clear the historic circumstances of Songun political mode and its root, the essence and originality of the Songun politics and the principled issues and tasks to materialize it.

After the publication of his work, socialism in the DPRK has won only victories under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

It was the strong faith of Kim Jong Il that the victory of the revolutionary cause and the sovereignty, independence and prosperity of a country and nation should be guaranteed only by arms. With this faith, he had continued his Songun revolutionary leadership to strengthen the Korean People's Army (KPA) into an invincible revolutionary army and develop the national defense industry into a powerful self-reliant one.

Thanks to his Songun politics, the DPRK could rank among military powers, nuclear weapons states in the world.

Now, the Juche-based revolutionary cause of Songun is creditably carried forward by supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

He set forth a new strategy for the eternal victory of the Korean revolution and the line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force, which manifested before the world the strong will of the DPRK to hold aloft the banner of Songun as ever.

Under his revolutionary leadership of Songun, the KPA has grown up to be the elite forces strong in ideological, military and physical aspects.

In the DPRK, the army and people have made epoch-making achievements with fortitude to materialize all the dreams and ideals. This proud reality is a precious fruition of the great Songun politics.

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