calendar>>July 10. 2016 Juche 105
African Regional Preparatory Committee for 2017 Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu Formed
Pyongyang, July 10 (KCNA) -- An African regional preparatory committee for the 2017 Meeting Praising Great Persons of Mt. Paektu was inaugurated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on July 6.

Lawmaker of Ethiopia Nigatu Dagnachew Cherinet, director of the Youth and Sports Department of the Addis Ababa City Administration and chairman of the Ethiopian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, and Damian Ogbonna, national chairman of the People's Progressive Party of Nigeria, were elected co-chairmen of the preparatory committee.

The committee decided to hold colorful political and cultural events for highly praising the exploits of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un and boosting the friendly and cooperative relations between African countries and the DPRK to glorify significant 2017 as the auspicious year common to humankind.

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