calendar>>July 11. 2016 Juche 105
Denuclearization of Korean Peninsula Is Entirely Up to U.S., South Korean Authorities: Rodong Sinmun
Pyongyang, July 11 (KCNA) -- The U.S. and the south Korean puppet group are not entitled at all to talk about the "north's denuclearization" as they are the arch criminals who spawned and worsened the nuclear issue on the Korean peninsula, says Rodong Sinmun Monday in an article.

The article goes on:

The noisy fuss being made by the U.S. and the Park Geun Hye puppet group in south Korea over the "nuclear threat from the north" under the pretext of the "north's denuclearization" is nothing but an act of giving vent to their anger at the situation where they have become unable to recklessly wield nuclear stick any longer in face of the DPRK's powerful nuclear deterrence.

The U.S. has threatened and blackmailed the DPRK with nukes since the 1950s, spawning the nuclear issue on the peninsula and frantically staging nuclear war drills against the DPRK, and the south Korean puppet group has blindly toed the U.S. line, betraying the country and nation. They should seriously reflect on their past crimes and stop silly raising a hue and cry over the "north's denuclearization".

Explicitly speaking again, the DPRK has consistently maintained the stand that the whole peninsula including south Korea and its vicinity should be denuclearized.

It is absolutely intolerable for the U.S. and the Park Geun Hye regime to persistently spout sophism about the "north's denuclearization" in a bid to mislead the public opinion.

If the U.S. and the south Korean authorities waste time with foolish trumpeting about the "north's denuclearization," doggedly disregarding the DPRK's principled demand, they will only throw more hurdles in the way of the denuclearization of the peninsula.

The denuclearization of the peninsula entirely hinges on the attitude of the U.S. and the south Korean authorities.

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