calendar>>July 11. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Remembered by Koreans in China
Pyongyang, July 11 (KCNA) -- The General Association of Koreans in China and its affiliated organizations held events on July 8, the 22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

There took place an event of laying a floral basket before the statue of Kim Il Sung at Yuwen Middle School in Jilin.

Present there were officials of the association including Chairwoman Choe Un Bok, members of the Jilin City branch of the association, the DPRK consul general and consuls in Shenyang, officials of the Jilin City People's Government and Yuwen Middle School in Jilin and other personages of China.

The participants laid floral baskets in the name of the association, the DPRK Consulate General in Shenyang and the school and bunches of flowers before the statue of the President.

They looked round the room dedicated to book reading of Comrade Kim Il Sung at Jilin Yuwen Middle School.

A remembrance meeting of the association was held.

Present there were officials of the association including Vice-Chairman Choe Su Bong and officials of the Liaoning regional association.

Choe Su Bong read out an article praising the revolutionary career of the President.

A letter to Marshal Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting.

Officials of the Zhongnan Regional Association of the General Association of Koreans in China and compatriots laid a floral basket before the portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il at the DPRK embassy in Beijing and paid tribute to them.

They looked round photos dealing with the revolutionary exploits of the great leaders and the revolutionary activities of Kim Jong Un.

Officials of the Federation of Korean Young Nationals in China visited the Dandong branch of the DPRK Consulate General in Shenyang and laid a floral basket before the portraits of the smiling great leaders and paid tribute to them.

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