calendar>>July 12. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Authorities' Argument about "Vicious Cycle of Provocations" Slammed as Gangster-like Sophism
Pyongyang, July 12 (KCNA) -- The south Korean authorities routinely argued that a "vicious cycle of provocations" should break down.

As an example, some days ago the boss of Chongwadae in south Korea pitched her voice for "discontinuation of the vicious cycle of provocation-dialogue-reward-repeated provocation" by all means, blustering that the "north's denuclearization" will be a battle of will.

Later, traitor Park Geun Hye reeled off hostile utterances she would break the chain of vicious cycle of provocation and reward to set up a new order and that repetition of provocation and reward will make the "north's denuclearization" a far-off thing. The minister of Foreign Affairs and other riff-raffs in south Korea repeated like a parrot what she uttered.

Rodong Sinmun Tuesday in an article dismisses the "vicious cycle of provocations" touted by the south Korean authorities as a gangster-like sophism to conceal their nature as senseless provokers.

Anti-DPRK provocations constitute a chronic attribute of the south Korean puppet group, the article says, and goes on:

It is well known that the successive south Korean rulers plotted lots of anti-DPRK cases and committed a series of political and military provocations against the DPRK to escalate the tension between the north and the south.

Nonetheless, the Park group cried out for "discontinuation of the vicious cycle of provocations". It is an open declaration of their will to stand in confrontation with the DPRK to the last by misleading the public opinion at home and abroad to cover up their bellicose nature of heinous provokers.

With no paradox can the south Korean puppet group get rid of the responsibility for plunging the inter-Korean relations in the vicious cycle of confrontation and tension with reckless provocations against the DPRK.

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