calendar>>July 12. 2016 Juche 105
Korean in U.S. Demands S. Korean Regime Participate in Great National Conference for Reunification
Pyongyang, July 12 (KCNA) -- A commentary of Son Se Yong, editorial member of Minjok Thongsin, an internet paper of Koreans in the U.S., was posted on Jaju Sibo, an internet paper of south Korea, on July 2.

The commentary said:

The north called for holding a great national conference for reunification in Pyongyang or Kaesong before and after August 15 this year, proposing to hold a joint conference of political parties, organizations and individual personages from the north and the south and abroad for the peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula. This is arousing support and concern of compatriots at home and abroad.

The south Korean regime has no reason to reject the proposal for holding a great national conference for reunification.

However, the Park Geun Hye regime of the south side rejected the proposal, talking about "sincerity" again.

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