calendar>>July 13. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Praised by Swedish Personages
Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- A meeting, seminar, photo and book exhibition and film show took place in Stockholm on July 5 and 7 under the sponsorship of the Swedish Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association and the Communist Party in Sweden on the 22nd anniversary of demise of President Kim Il Sung.

Displayed at the venues of the events were photos dealing with the feats of Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Also on display there were their works, and photos and books introducing Juche Korea.

The participants laid bunches of flowers before the portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and art works depicting them and paid tribute to them.

Oskar Molleby, co-chairman of the committee for remembering Kim Il Sung who doubles as chief of the Swedish Group for the Study of the Juche Idea, said that Kim Il Sung, after embarking on the road of revolutionary struggle in his early years, rallied the Korean people to liberate the country and beat back the U.S. imperialists in the great Fatherland Liberation War. He praised Kim Il Sung as a distinguished strategist.

Under his wise guidance the DPRK met all challenges of the enemies and built an independent and prosperous country by its own efforts, the chief stressed.

Christer Lundgren, co-chairman of the committee for remembering Kim Il Sung who doubles as chairman of the Sweden-Korea Friendship Association, noted that the distinguished feats the President performed by contributing to the world people's struggle for national independence, peace and social emancipation against imperialism will be immortal.

A letter and message to Kim Jong Un were adopted at the events.

The participants watched Korean film "Song of Sun Will Be Everlasting."

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