calendar>>July 13. 2016 Juche 105
Organization of Koreans in U.S. Welcomes Great National Conference for Reunification
Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- The Central and Southern Regional Federation of Koreans in the U.S. issued a statement on July 9 in support of the holding of a great national conference for reunification for peace and independent reunification of the Korean peninsula.

The great national conference for reunification will show the U.S. imperialists the will for great unity of the Korean nation dynamically advancing to the road of achieving independent and peaceful reunification, the statement noted, adding:

The conference will offer even the south side ruling quarters dominated by the anti-reunification conservative forces an opportunity for making a new start for independence, peace and reunification of the country.

The federation will make all efforts for the successful holding of the great national conference for reunification.

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