calendar>>July 14. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Provides Field Guidance to Paektusan Architectural Institute
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, provided field guidance to the Paektusan Architectural Institute.

He went round the room for the education in the revolutionary history, the room preserving historical data and relics and the room dedicated to history of the institute.

Watching photos of leader Kim Jong Il giving on-the-spot guidance to the institute with deep emotion, he said the valuable historical materials show the history of leadership provided by Kim Jong Il over the development of the Juche-oriented architecture.

Noting that without the guidance given by Kim Jong Il to the work for building with much effort such architectural creative study bases as the Paektusan Architectural Institute and clearly indicating the orientation of developing the Juche-oriented architecture, the greatest heyday and prosperity of construction on this land would be hardly thinkable, he stressed that Kim Jong Il's feats should always be remembered.

Going around the exhibition of architectural sci-tech achievements, the room for the study of architectural designs, the information study room and other places, he set forth the tasks before the institute.

The officials, designers, architects and researchers of the institute should firmly equip themselves with our party's idea of the Juche-oriented architectural beauty and construction policy and wage a dynamic drive to erect buildings to shine long along with the era of the Workers' Party and the structures strictly based on the Juche character, national character, originality and modern style, he said.

Architecture means high-level art and an important yardstick showing civilization level of the nation and national power, he noted, adding that designers and architects should fully ensure the designs at the highest level reflecting the party's construction idea and people's ideal with high awareness that they are artists and gardeners who visualize and carve out the rosy future of the socialist country.

He called on the designers, architects and researchers to thoroughly reject similarity and repetition in architectural designing and work hard to more successfully build a greater number of buildings for health, green ones, zero energy and zero carbon ones and multi-functional structures, etc.

He underscored the need for the institute to direct big efforts to the work for maximizing the proportion of locally available finishing building materials, making building materials diversified, increasing their varieties and producing multi-colored ones, exploring new areas in architecture, raising the creative skill of designers and architects and accumulating more data on world architecture.

Underlining the necessity to further update the designing means at the institute, he was so kind as to promise it that the party would send modern designing means including latest computers to it so that it may ensure the scientific accuracy, correctness and speed in designing at a high level.

Noting that the party has a very great expectation for the institute, he expressed expectation and belief that its officials, designers, architects and researchers would creditably discharge their heavy yet honorable mission and duty. Then he had a photo session with them.

He was accompanied by Ma Won Chun, director of the Designing Department of the State Affairs Commission.

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