calendar>>July 14. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Lauded by Russian, German Figures
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Meetings for remembering President Kim Il Sung took place in Russia and Germany on July 5 and 6.

The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union said:

Comrade Kim Il Sung is a distinguished state political activist in the 20th century recognized by the world.

He is the benefactor of the Korean nation who liberated the country from the Japanese imperialists' colonial rule and the founder of the party, state and army of the DPRK.

He built Korean-style socialism admired by the progressives by thoroughly applying independence to all fields of the revolution and construction.

Socialist Korea would be unthinkable apart from him.

The greatest of his feats is that he successfully solved the issue of succession to leadership.

He is always alive in the hearts of not only the Korean people but also other world progressives for his great exploits for the times and history.

The chairman of the Communist Party of Germany said:

President Kim Il Sung made a great contribution to the cause of global independence.

Therefore, not only the Korean people but also other world progressive peoples are always remembering and revering him.

The works authored by him serve as encyclopedia giving clear-cut answers to all issues arising in accomplishing the cause of human independence, the cause of socialism.

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