calendar>>July 14. 2016 Juche 105
Nigerian Body Calls for Establishing Reliable Peace Mechanism on Korean Peninsula
Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- The Nigerian National Committee for the Study of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism posted an article titled "Concluding a peace treaty is an urgent task that brooks no delay" on its website on July 5.

The article said:

Northeast Asia is a region of volatile situation where big powers stand opposed in the light of geopolitics.

Instability, neither a war nor peace, has persisted on the Korean peninsula for 60-odd years since the Armistice Agreement was concluded in July 1953.

The Armistice Agreement was scrapped by the U.S. long ago.

Marshal Kim Jong Un at the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea urged the U.S. to correctly understand the strategic position of our Republic that has joined ranks of advanced nuclear powers, face up to the trend of the times, lift its anachronistic policy hostile towards the DPRK, replace the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty and withdraw its aggressive forces and war hardware from south Korea.

It is an urgent requirement of the times to establish a mechanism for ensuring durable peace on the peninsula as it is the biggest hotspot and a theatre of nuclear standoff.

The DPRK suggested replacing the Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty and has invariably made strenuous efforts for doing so.

The successive U.S. administrations, however, refused to conclude a peace treaty with the DPRK but persistently escalated tensions and staged war provocations one after another.

The approach and attitude to the conclusion of a peace treaty serve as a touchstone distinguishing the peace-loving force from the bellicose force.

If the U.S. terminates the hostile policy towards the DPRK and approaches the conclusion of a peace treaty, the DPRK-U.S. relations will see a dramatic improvement based on trust and promote peaceful development in Northeast Asia.

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